Farm Income Enhancement and Forest Conservation Programme – Project 2 (FIEFOC –2) is designed within the context of the Government of Uganda’s National Development Plan II (NDP II), and the long term development strategy, the Vision 2040 both of which promote agricultural infrastructure and income enhancement. The project was initially designed as a five – year development project (2016-2021), but was later extended under “no cost extension” to December 2024, following an agreement between the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Government of Uganda (GoU). The project is further designed to assist the Government of Uganda increase land area under irrigated agriculture from 14,418 hectares in 2014 to about 420,000 hectares by 2035. The project also seeks to consolidate and expand notable achievements registered under FIEFOC 1, which ended in December 2012.

The overall objective of FIEFOC – 2 is to contribute to poverty reduction and economic growth in Uganda through enhanced productivity and commercialization of agriculture. Specifically, the project aims to improve household incomes, food security and climate resilience through sustainable natural resources management and agricultural enterprise development.

The project has four components, including Agricultural Infrastructure Development, Agribusiness Development, Integrated Natural Resources Management and Project Coordination.  The primary project beneficiaries, estimated at 1,816,756 are found in the districts of Pakwach, Oyam, Butaleja, Kween, and Kasese, where five irrigation schemes are constructed. These include Mubuku II irrigation scheme (Kasese district), Doho II irrigation scheme (Butaleja District), Tochi irrigation scheme (Oyam District), Ngenge irrigation scheme (Kween District) and Wadelai irrigation scheme (Pakwach District).

The Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) jointly implement the project. The water ministry is the executing agency, responsible for implementation of irrigation infrastructure and related activities under project component one and the natural resources management activities under component three. While the agriculture ministry is a key implementing partner, responsible for implementation of agronomy and extension related activities and the agri-business development.

The African Development Bank (AfDB), Nordic Development Fund (NDF) and the Government of Uganda (GoU) are the key financiers of the project at the tune of USD 91, 43 million.