REDD+  is an acronym for Reducing of Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation. The plus sign (+) stands for the role of Conservation, Sustainable Forest Management and Enhancement of Carbon Stocks (REDD+). The (+) enhances the land’s capacity for carbon storage through activities that improve forest health. In addition to carbon stocks being protected by avoiding forest damage and or clearing of entire forests, measures such as better forest management, conservation, restoration, and afforestation also increase carbon stocks. Read the Redd+ Programme writeup below this page....

On Tuesday 15th August 2017 the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Water and Environment Mr Alfred Okot Okidi launched the REDD+ Communicaton and Awareness materials that will be used to sensitise the public and stakeholders about the issues affecting the environment and the effects of climate change and ways of how to protect our natural resources. The Communication materials launched included Banners, Stickers, Calendars and Radio talk show guideline booklets



