Training on Faecal Sludge Management
Sustainable Development Goal 6, clearly ensures availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Earlier today, officials from Ministry of Water and Environment,GIZ,Water and Sanitation Development Facility-Central (WSDF-C) and Central Umbrella of Water and Sanitation attended a training on Faecal Sludge Management.
The main objective of the Feacal Sludge Management training is aimed at building the capacity of various practitioners, improve their understanding of Feacal Sludge Management,its planning,implementation,
operation and maintainence as well as monitoring and evaluation.
According to the presentation made by the Consultant Prof. Charles Niwagaba,the key principles for effective planning of sanitation systems include:
1. Importance of participation.
2. Diversity of urban cities
The Consultant highlighted some of the opportunities that FSM can be incorporated in resource management;
Reduced spread of sanitation related diseases, Provision of renewal energy, Creation of job opportunities,Reduction of environmental pollution and Boosting of agricultural and industrial development. Challenges over riding FSM include:
Rapidly increasing urban population,Sewerage is too costly for the whole population where land tenure issues are too costly, Neglect of informal settlements.
Eng.Joseph Epitu, the Asst.Commissioner Sector Performance Development appealed to participants to embrace Faecal Sludge investments to enable them generate money from the waste.