Investing in Forests and Protected Areas for Climate - Smart Development (IFPA-CD) Project

The Government of Uganda has designed the “Investing in Forest and protected Areas for Climate Smart Development Project”, (The Project), that will be financed by the International Development Association (World Bank) and Government of Uganda.  Preparation of The Project is led by the Ministry of Water and Environment, together with the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, Uganda Wildlife Authority, and the National Forestry Authority. The project aims to improve sustainable management of forests and protected areas and increase benefits from forests and protected areas in the target landscapes.

The Investing in Forest and protected Areas for Climate Smart Development Project preparation builds on the national REDD+ Readiness processes during which a national REDD+ Strategy and National Forest Plan (FIP) were prepared, through a wider stakeholder consultation process. The National REDD+ Strategy includes 8 REDD+ Strategy Options which have formed the basis for identifying appropriate interventions to be supported by the Project. Investment Project #1 of the FIP has been designed to be implemented as IFPA-CD project. 


Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)

The Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)  is for Uganda’s “Investing in Forests and Protected Areas for Climate-Smart Development (IFPA-CD) Project. The SEP describes the commitments and process for Stakeholders’ engagement during the IFPA-CD Project implementation (July 2021-June 2026).  The IFPA-CD Project aims to improve the sustainable management of forests and protected areas and increase benefits to communities from forests in target landscapes.

Map showing IFPA-CD Project areas

The IFPA-CD Project will be implemented in selected sites in the Albertine rift and West Nile region including 7 National Parks, 4 Wildlife Reserves, 28 Central Forest Reserves, 16 Refugee host districts and additional 14 non refugee host Districts. In addition, the project activity on Private Tree farming will be implemented country-wide.


Labour Management Procedures for IFPA-CD Project

Various laws, policies, systems, standards and international codes of practice are applicable to the  implementation of this project. The Uganda legislation requirements conform to guidance provided in WB Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) and Environmental and Social Standard 2 (ESS 2). Project workers will be provided with information that is clear and understandable regarding their terms and conditions of employment.

Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups Framework (VMGF) for IFPA-CD Project

The Government of Uganda has designed the “Investing in Forest and protected Areas for Climate Smart Development Project”, (The Project), that will be financed by the International Development Association (World Bank) and Government of Uganda.  Preparation of The Project is led by the Ministry of Water and Environment, together with the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, Uganda Wildlife Authority, and the National Forestry Authority.
